
Air Inlets

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Air inlets are responsible for ensuring that fresh air is distributed evenly throughout the poultry house. Our comprehensive range of Air Inlets is manufactured in high quality PVC giving excellent insulation values, preventing condensation and enabling significant savings on energy costs.

We offer a range of TPI and Munters Air Inlets, ensuring optimum control of the ventilation.

The latest addition to the TPI range is the Aeron Inlet.

Air Inlets

Aeron Inlet

This inlet offers the best features available on the market today.  A centre-hinged inner valve ensures the air flows underneath the valve when it is opened over 1/3rd.  Seals to the sides and top prevent air leakage and a bottom seal ensures perfect closure.  The W-shape of the inner valve helps to create air jets which give optimum control during minimum ventilation.  During maximum ventilation air is guided downwards to deliver a cooling effect.

The inlet has newly-designed clock springs to facilitate automatic opening and closing.  The closing catch on the inlet can be used to permanently close inlets, if required, for pre-heating or in extremely cold external weather conditions.

• Modular design

• Lightweight and highly insulating

• Provides accurate control of the direction and flow of air

• Available in two versions: Surface Mount, Flush Mount

• Optional closing catch available

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